Finding the Rhythm of Your Diamond Heart
Sometimes the only thing left to do is to let go.
To choose to let go and yield yourself to the unbearable weight of the world.
To make the choice to let yourself be crushed by all of it—the matter of all the matter(s) weighing on your body, mind, and heart.
The matter that you’re conscious of and the matter that’s felt, but remains beyond your conscious awareness.
To let gravity crush you with the unbearable weight of the matter of earth matters.
Those seen and those unseen.
Those known and those unknown.
To let the unimaginable gravitas
of the matters of life,
crush the seemingly uncrushable you,
who resists the crushing force of life.
Sometimes all thats left to do is to simply let go, to yield, and to allow.
To let the pressure and heat of life morph carbon and water into a beautiful liquid crystalline diamond.
To allow yourself to be taken by the often terrifying (and at times painful) process of becoming the diamond you’re destined to be.
Only you, as the alchemist of your life, can know when your resistance is actually serving you.
Or is serving the you,
that’s resisting.
The crushing force of life,
in service to you.
Becoming the unique diamond that you are.
Most times though, you can’t know; for alchemy is beyond the mind.
...and that's ok, because life knows.
Sometimes the only thing left to do is,
find your way to the ground…
To the earth.
To find your way
to breathe…
The breathe of the earth.
To slow down.
just. breathe.
Notice each breathe.
Listen for the beat.
It's there.
Breath to that beat
Find your rhythm.
Find the rhythm.
Find rhythm.
And ease into
being with
and feeling
what’s already there.
The Crushing Force of Life
Silencing everything.
But the drumbeat,
of your diamond heart.
Beating at the rhythm of life
The life you've been blessed to steward.
Listen attentively and see where your rhythm takes you.
My name is Kenneth Fried and I am a Life-Passages Coach. I provide somatic integration and containment for (mostly) men birthing and being birthed by the emerging earth.
If you’re needing somatic support during these profound times—whether for holding and navigating what on your own feels too be too much or for any other of countless reasons, I’m here and available; visit
I began this post on Sept. 29th and in service to completing and sharing more of my writing, I chose to complete this and post today on October 9th.