a message from the narwhal(e)s

Greetings... i, ken, come to you today with a message from the Narwhal's, one that i received on Sunday, October 6th, subsequent to navigating through some profoundly pressureful waters within.
This transmission was born of my direct experience; as is always the case with what i share. Sunday evening, i shared this (and some flute) at an open mic at the Wu Wei Tea Temple in Fairfax, CA. If you'd like to watch that, you can do so here.
The Narwhals say,
“pierce what needs to be pierced, so the light of the divine may rain down upon you…rest child and bask in the crystalline liquid white light that you are.”
You pierce the veil(s) by fixing yourself and your vessel’s ‘heading’ to the cosmic north-star that the “unicorn of the sea” points to…
You chose faith, trust, and surrender to the great Mother
—— above, below, and within ——
You anchor your self in the safe-waters of the Self who knows that life is orchestrating in your favor—especially when the ‘evidence’ suggests anything but this.
You anchor and stabilize; regardless of what the terrifyingly wild waters and FEAR inducing (false evidence appearing real / aka illusions) circumstantial sea-monsters attempt to get you to believe.
you, very simply, say no to their temptations.
Drop anchor ⚓️
Drop to the ground.
— breath —
— breath —
— breath —
Use your plasma torch of truth and higher knowing 🔥 to burn through the aeons of debris and trash.
When enough has been burned and your vessel is purified (enough for now), the Great Mother will lovingly welcome you into the sacred and calm waters of her holy womb.
You are held.
You are loved.
You are ok.
Not as a concept, but as a direct experience; in and through ‘you’ (the identity/persona), your nervous system, and your spine — via the entrainment with her crystalline coding.
Feel the ground beneath you 'containing' the liquid light that you are.
You are held.
You are loved.
You are ok.
Keep breathing, on the ground, for as long as is necessary to anchor into what is eternal and everlasting:
the light and breath of the divine that you are.
If you need support with this or in any other facet of your anchoring, embodiment, and navigational process(es), I am here and available.
Reply to this email, check out my offerings, or schedule a connection call.
…and just because it’s been a few light-years:
My name is Kenneth and i’m an ancient maritime navigator for the modern times. i assist the ancient ones—way-showers, path-cutters, edge-walkers, alchemical architects—the ‘old souls’ of all ages, from all walks of life, whom are navigating in and through the liminal waters of divinely orchestrated circumstantial constellations of initiation. i 'sail-by-the-side' of these remarkable beings through their birth process orchestrated by the organizational intelligence of life—to the new earth and new life shores of 'more' that beckon.
P.S. – i invite you to send this message to someone whom you sense would appreciate receiving this medicine. Thank you ❤