great celestial serpent...
i received this 'transmission' on a cold evening in Oregon as 12/20 concluded and 12/21 began. Around 11pm i decided to lay on my sheepskin, close my eyes, breath and attune to the very subtle cosmic frequencies i sensed were present.
Within 30-minutes i saw, felt, and became a great celestial serpent...soon thereafter i began writing and continued thru the precise solstice at 1:21am pst, massaging and translating into english as best i could the felt-sense of the frequencies i was attuning to and receiving.
At around 3am i went to bed and when i awoke i felt inspired to begin to produce the audio track below, which i completed on the evening of 12+27+24 = 9
9 = completion
i invite you to listen to this during a liminal time, when the veils are thin—before/after meditation; with some cacao; in the evening hours; eyes closed; whenever and however is fitting for you.
Listen as many times as you feel called. i've been known to listen to tracks consecutively dozens of times...this being one of them.
There are multiple layers of words/meaning and so i invite you to listen AND to read the text below the audio.
Reminder: despite the last sentence, this is less about the meaning of the words and more about the alchemical effect of the various ingredients.
If you notice your mind trying (and struggling) to understand, i invite you to use this as an opportunity to practice receiving...notice the struggle of the mind and the tension—and as best as you can, soften into ease...
Only you know when complete, perhaps that's after just one listen.
On that note: get comfy, take a few breaths, presence your Self, press play, and receive this very special transmission (headphones suggested).
...and listen as many times as you desire.
a great celestial serpent
quakes awake and rises
from the rocky rim of grim
where sea floor goes no more
waging war waves roar
tides of time by divine design
crustacean encoded manuscripts
barnacles etched and sketched
eternal tales whales tails foretold
behold this story as told:
the end of with-holding and scolding
Dark New Aged Amniotic Amnesia
too many of not just any A’s
a string-y theory of mys-storied mys-tery
life-lines and wrinkles loom spun into core
sacred DNA liquid-light fiber crafts
bade adieu to the winding and binding
of life anew bestowed upon her crew
krill will for no more oil spill
light-age now an enlightened and phased stage
gemstone lined and studded
crystalline currents of consciousness
vibrant ancient i’s of ah-ka-sha guide the way
sparkling twilight watery worlds of delight
see sea and seed say kelp we need
glimmering and shimmering
plasma white light particles dancing
golden waves of wonder fluttering flight
we be the winged ones
shiny and bright
flying gliding and sliding
thru pacific garb -age patched nets
an orbital spin powered portal for
the merging and converging of Mu
oar Mu’s for all of u’s
or-a-mis/ormus for some of you's
mussels might a guiding light
descendants and ascendents
charts coursed and cast anew
rise and shine
o'holy & wise Ones
ah-nu dawn
1 too and 3 yawns
wine dine rhyme
free of nickel dammed machines
and dime(ond) min(e/d)s of time
together we deep dive
directions (e)merge
now live your life above
now live your life below
as above so below...
now live your life within
now live your life without
as within so without...
now live your life;
and to-get-t(•)-her
we sea-(s)pray & celebrate
kan kenneth
~0140 / 12•21•24
≈ navigational assistance
i'd love to hear how this impacted you; what did you specifically receive? Post a comment below. To do that you need to sign up as a member, which is free. If you're not already signed up, you're invited. You'll receive my rare emails direct to your inbox...or you're always welcome to email me.
...and yes, you're welcome to forward this post to kin.
--> buy me a kombucha and cookie <--