Choosing to Dance...

To receive the medicine of a cold autumn river, you must choose to strip yourself naked, and step into the frigid waters.

The river cannot make that choice for you.
Nor can the river move your body to dance with her.

She cannot choose for you to meet her flow or to sync into her rhythm.

You must choose to move yourself, to enter her current, to dance with her.

If you do not make such choices,
her medicine remains at a distance.

Seen, dreamed of and imagined, hypothesized; but not known, felt, or experienced.

You may be soaking wet, but only in your mind.

For your body remains dry,
dry as your throat.

If you do not make these choices,
her medicine remains at a distance.

Just like the girl you wanted to dance with at the 8th grade dance,
but were too shy and timid to hike over to.

The voices of your friends intervened,
comfort, safety, and familiarity all said not to...

It's too dangerous...
She's having fun with her friends...
The punch is delicious...

This is the perfect spot to perch...

watching like a hawk above,
…taking it all in
waiting for just the right moment,
 to make the move...


But, that moment never comes.

Because of fear.

The shaking and shivering is real,
though not from the cold water,
but from the bone cold chill of fear.

A fear that can only be shaken off by entering the water.

You must choose.

To do what is uncomfortable.

You must choose to strip down,
feel the absolute nakedness of your being,
shake, scream, dance, whatever it takes

move your feet,
however awkwardly,
through the deep brush,
and into the frigid waters,
of the unknown and unfamiliar.

into the wilderness.

into the wild waters of the feminine.

She wants to dance with you,
and you know it.

You can feel it.

But you mistaken that knowing for fear.

Life calls it excitement.

You know you don’t want to be that guy...

Thinking about being that guy,
is the dance that has you,
and distracts you.

The dance between fear and excitement,

The dance between head and heart.

You know you don’t want to be that guy...

The guy who goes home,
filled with immense regret,
for you didn't dance with the girl,
that you knew wanted to dance with you.

Call on courage.

All you need to do is choose,
choose that yes.

Dance with her.

Strip down and step into the current of her feminine flow.

Move one foot,
now the other...

Now keep moving...

and feel the movement,

feel fear

move to


…and don’t forget to breathe.

Breathe will hold you,
As she moves you,
Into the places and spaces,
You may have never visited
or have long forgotten of

You made it.

Here you are.
In the flow.
Being with all of her.
And all of you.

You did it.
You made the choice.
You choose yes.
You danced with her.

….now go lay in the sun

warm up for a bit.

You earned this ecstasy.

The ecstasy of born of water and fire.

Of the blazing sun.

The sun that you are.

A son of the sun,
you are a sun child;

a beautiful and radiant sunflower,

growing up to the sun.

Beaming those yellow hue's.

Feel the heat on your body,
the heat from the sun.

Penetrating and saturating your heart

The heat of your heart.

The heat of the two,
as two become one.

Beating the drum

The drum of fun.





Yes, this is fun,
this is,

fun in the sun.


you took nature's bath.

You shook out the fear.

You got wet,
and you had fun.

All because you chose to strip yourself naked
and step into the frigid waters of that beautiful river.

You let yourself receive,
the medicine,
of her medicine.

The medicine of a cold autumn river.